Doug Skinner: An Archive on Your Gizmo

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Film Crew

January 19th, 2015 · 2 Comments

A song deploring the existence of film crews.


Tags: *Music · F

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Win // Jan 19, 2015 at 9:47 pm

    Brilliant song, Doug!

    Film crews have caused me inconvenience many times over the years. One set up shop on my block for almost three weeks, and provided an extended lesson in both the absurdity of Hollywood – they had thirty or forty people attach fake brown leaves to all the trees on the block because they had decided to shoot fall scenes in early springtime – and the boorishness of the people who work for it. Several times I had to climb over lighting equipment set up in the doorway of my building just to get home from work. The resulting movie was dreadful but perhaps predictably, highly successful.

    One morning in Central Park, finding my path to work blocked by a huge crew filming a ridiculous dance number, I managed to come up with a golden password for such situations. Blocked by a line of tape and a callow, clipboard bearing factotum, I shot him a cursory smile and said “It’s OK, I’m just back from the mayor’s office” without breaking my stride. He lifted the tape at once, with satisfying deference, and I marched through the actors and camera crews as if they owed me a living. That was fun.

    Anyways, great song. Oh, and belated Happy 60th to you!

  • 2 Doug // Jan 22, 2015 at 10:37 am

    Thank you! Yes, they’re swine. Your gambit sounds like a good one, and more practical than the violent fantasies that fill my head at such times.